SYNQY is a cloud subscription service that makes it easy for manufacturers to put interactive, up-to-date branded content on resellers e-commerce sites.
By placing the SYNQY script in an appropriate area near the product, buyers will click on the top-layer image then buyers are fed branded content—without leaving the dealer’s site. The top-layer and content are independent of the 3rd party website, therefore the content is updatable without any further intervention by the website owners.
Why do we call call these digital end-caps? Because they provide a branded area the manufacturer can control on a retail website. Just like in a brick-and-mortar store, when a manufacturer purchases space on an end aisle, they can brand that endcap and control the message. Below are samples of some live samples:
Kenwood eXcelon Authorized Dealer Badge SYNQY
Purpose: Raise awareness of Kenwood eXcelon Line and why-to-buy
SiriusXM “2 Ways To Save” Promotion SYNQY
Purpose: Present SiriusXM promotion and why-to-buy
Generac Educational Microsite SYNQY
Purpose: Present Generac branded content and how/why-to-buy
Unlike traditional end caps, SYNQY provides valuable customer data. SYNQY Analytics allow you to track and optimize your campaigns in real time providing valuable insight:
• What type of site traffic partners are getting
• What sites are getting the most SYNQY clicks per day, week, or month
• How long are the users engaging with content by site
• How is this SYNQY call-to-action image compared to another (A B testing)
• What is the total amount of clicks for all sites this last month
Synqy’s are definitely the modern technology. Man what will they think of next.